Friday, January 28, 2011

WOWZERs Has It Really Been THIS LONG??

So its safe to say that my first year of blogging was not overflowing with content. But its a new year, and the dust has finally settled. I mean, 2010 was a CRAZY and obnoxious year for me. UGH! 2011 has got to be more fun than dealing with the absurdities (is that a word?) of what seems like a lifetime packed into only 365 days. OK to bring people up to speed here goes. I moved to Texas with the love of my life Sam. He is everything I am not, and makes me want to be better than I ever dreamed possible. It took me a while to come to terms with the fact that I am not the center of the universe, and to allow someone else to have some sort of control over my world. He does it well, and without his love and support I would be nothing. Nothing.

I have always been one to be very in touch with my inner-being. I think about the universe a lot, and how it all comes together and how things are SUPPOSED to work... It's the Libra in me. I am all about balance and trying to be Wonder Woman. I think it's possible, and I won't ever stop trying. Well, naturally after moving 1800 miles away from my "life" as I new it, and embarking on something totally new (and stressful); insert, new career, new home, new hubby-to-be, wedding planning, dealing with government run offices more than one should EVER in one lifetime, buying a house, AND trying to make a decent living, cook delicious dinners, keep up with physical fitness (stay a size 4/6 for the rest of eternity and get rid of the armpit pudge that has been torturing me for my entire life), AND squeeze in somewhat of a social life, and keep my sanity? Are you tired yet? Because that was what my year pretty much looked like inside and out-- Non-stop. I knew I had to do something. So every free moment I got I tried to distract myself. Read a book, try cooking something new, ANYTHING... I had to slow down. Monday through Friday I was running at top speed and had to take it down a notch on the weekends. So I thought why not BLOG? Why not share all these crazy thoughts that have been spinning in my head. I mean I have to let them OUT! Or I might just go bananas.

So trying new things has been a great way to stay up-beat in the midst of chaos. But unfortunately for the last year, even though I have done a good job on distracting myself and slowing down on the weekend to enjoy the simple things, and live in the moment I have not done a great job of documenting, or sharing those experiences. I mean in one year only four posts? Gosh you must be bored. I apologize! Immensely! Well this year I am adding one more item to the balancing act. So you will be seeing- no hearing- NO reading a lot more from me!... It will be fun and spicy and I hope you like it.

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