Friday, August 20, 2010

Life: Full Force

I am now, one year into my engagement and truly beginning to plan my wedding. It was never the plan to have a long engagement, but it is definitely my style. Why? I am the queen of multi-tasking, but like any other human- I simply get run down. Life takes its toll on you whether you like it or not, and it is up to you to keep on going. So amidst all the multi-tasking comes prioritizing as well. Not having a minute to sit down, or think clearly takes a toll on your ability to coherently plan the biggest day of your life.

We moved to Houston 8 months ago, and things are finally starting to feel normal. I have always been a non-traditional gal, but everyday I feel myself becoming more and more the career woman by day, and come evening domestic goddess. I work a 45 hour week at the office, and still manage to plan my errands, work-out regime, and try new recipes every week. Now- one more thing... Wedding Plans. How do we women do it? I tell ya, I love my fiance Sam dearly, but I don't think that men will ever understand how much work a woman does for her family. History tells us that men are the breadwinners and still even today with as many working moms as there are, we are the ones working two shifts. When men come home it seems their day has ended. Envision: drop keys by door, remove shoes, dump pockets on kitchen counter, change to mesh shorts, plop on couch. Every day, like clockwork.

While some girls have been planning their wedding their whole lives, I am probably just the opposite. I am approaching this situation like anything else. Cool, calm and collected. Top priority- Logistics. They matter people. It is simply how I run my whole life. This is the Type A of my personality that has not only bloomed in my adulthood, but taken on a life of its own! So I say take one thing at a time, pause, take a breath and tackle next project. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who thinks this way? Am I the only one who thinks about grocery lists, home improvement projects, Christmas shopping, up-coming birthdays, and important dates, planning vacation, and when the dogs are due for a bath all in one day? Is it me that is crazy or is that just Life coming at you Full Force? So with a wedding thrown in there you can see how crazy things are bound to get.

I refuse to be that crazy Bride. I will not. I cannot, because if I know my sister she will deliver a startling blow to some part of my body to make me SNAP OUT OF IT! I am truly excited about planning my big day- I am excited about marrying the man of my dreams and embarking on the life I always wanted. But I am a realist- and with that vow to embrace the chaos! Bring it on! Every day is a challenge, but each day I make progress and become better and better at this balancing act. I know I can do it.... and so can you!

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