Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rise and Shine: It's Time to Grocery Shop

Where are most people on Sunday mornings at 8 AM? Probably sleeping. Maybe at church, or enjoying the paper with a fresh brewed cup of coffee. So many possibilities all of relaxed, enjoyable and serene nature.

Not me. I am not at home enjoying eggs benedict or any other savory snack. I am in grocery shopping bliss!

One of my least favorite activities is doing a full blown trip to the market. We live in a day and age where everything is go, go, GO! Because of this, there are limited times during the week when I have the time or energy to pull it off without going ballistic. I used to think getting my shopping done after work was a great idea. I was wrong. After a full day of work, and with a mind that is used and dried up you cannot possibly make wise food choices, or even focus long enough to realize what items you need to actually make a complete meal. What was I thinking? "I am already tired, so if I can get through this, and get it done I won't have to spend any part of my weekend doing this horrendous chore." More often than not I ended up with a splitting headache and my patience completely shot. I'd trudge upstairs with as many bags slung over each arm as I could possibly manage; plastic cutting into my skin. With another 20 minutes to put away the groceries I might as well put my pajamas on and go straight to bed.

Saturdays are also out of the question for grocery shopping. Everyone and their brother, sister, mother, father, boss and neighbor are out shopping. Whether its for shoes, or food they are there. Every store! Packed like a busy bar, shoulder to shoulder or cart to cart you can't fricken move! Every which way you turn there is a person, a child, an elder, a cart blocking an entire aisle or all of it at once! The mayhem is unreal. UNREAL!

I just can't bare to put myself through that hell any longer. So while most people think: "I'd rather sleep in on Sunday mornings," I prefer to breeze through the aisles of Wal-mart Super Center, Randall's, Whole Foods, or HEB- whichever I choose! It doesn't matter, the store is virtually deserted. No screaming children, no slow as molasses geriatrics, no spills in Aisle 6 to watch out for. Just me on a mission.

By the time I am finished, more and more people are awake and trickling in to the open doors. It's my cue to wrap it up and get the hell out of dodge. In an hour flat I have accomplished what would normally take me two. I know this seems like such a trivial adjustment. After all its so obvious. For me, it is something that not only alleviates unnecessary stress, hassle and outrage, but brings me peace.

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