Friday, May 7, 2010

My Blog Beginning

In my opinion, the beginning of a story is always the most exciting. You never know what might be in store. Endings are sad. We all know this. But the meat, the things that we remember, and hold on to are in the middle. I think that is where I am now. I have past the beginning stages and am at a turning point where things are going to rush to a whole new level.

When I was little and pictured my life, and what it might look like I am pretty sure it was not even close to what is actually taking place. No one prepares you for life's little nuances. You look around and see everyone you know living in what seems to be their picture perfect world. But they too, have their fair share of heartaches, and obstacles to overcome. As children we don't experience this. At least most don't. We live in a carefree world of playing outside, best friends, riding the school bus etc. and our only fear is our homework due and what to wear the next day. And all of that is such a BIG DEAL.

There have been many times in the past when I could only see what lay 10 feet in front of me. I was living in the moment. Truly. I had the ability to take one thing at a time and not worry about what was to come after. For a while that has not been the case. Life is coming at me full force, and now it seems like a big blur of multi-tasking, planning, and jeez if I can fit it in to my schedule, predicting the future! Sometimes it is just down right overwhelming. As a young woman in a big new city, I am starting to document the trials and tribulations of being a young adult. All the petty irritants that make you see red and drive you bananas in the day-to-day. And because you take the bad with the good- all the really great stuff too. The things that make you cry because you've never seen something that beautiful, or just the simple appreciation of being on this great earth. Life isn't always Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows, but sometimes it is.

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